Prayer & Praise Wall

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Phillipians 4:6

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Karen Bystrom

July 24, 2024

Praise Report
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Karen continues to improve since her recent fall when she broke one rib and suffered three compression fractures of her spine. She is able to walk more and with less pain. We are thankful for this good news. Thanks for your continued prayers.

Michael Tamargo

July 24, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Update on Michael: He has been admitted to Lakeland Regional. They are looking for possible heart blockage. He is low in potassium and magnesium. Please continue to pray.

Sally Dumm

July 24, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Sally has been admitted to Lakeland Regional with a blood clot in her leg and other medical issues. She will be undergoing several tests and would appreciate our prayers.

Patty Smith

July 24, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Patty is a friend of Pastor Terry and Danielle Wilcox. Pastor Terry would like prayer for her because she is meeting with a surgeon to deal with breast cancer.

Request from Jan Nephew

July 24, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Jan would like prayer for her daughter, Amy, and one of Amy's friends whose name is Clarissa. Another friend of Amy's suddenly passed away last week. Now a second friend (Clarissa) is having serious problems and was transferred to Ann Arbor Hospital in Michigan to see a lung specialist. Amy is devastated and Jan would like us to pray not only for Clarissa but pray that God will comfort Amy and draw her closer to Him.

Melissa Barnett

July 22, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Brenda Duvall has requested prayer for Melissa, who is a family friend. Melissa has "aggressive cancer" and is receiving chemotherapy treatments every two weeks. She will have six rounds of this treatment. Please continue to pray.

Angie Taylor

July 22, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Angie is Dianne DiFabio's daughter who has been through SO MUCH for so long! She was feeling much better recently. Then today (Monday) Dianne reports "she had a very bad respiratory the ambulance. This was really scary for us both. She is still in the Trauma Unit..." Please remember Angie in prayer.

Skyler Smith

July 22, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Little 8-year-old Skyler, the friend of Ginny Amos, went to be with Jesus a few days ago. Please pray for her parents, family, and friends.

Norma Hutchinson

July 22, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Pastor JR reports that Norma had a "good report" from the doctor's visit. "She is cleared for light walking, but no twisting, lifting, or bending for 3 more weeks." Please pray for continued healing.

Sue Fagans

July 22, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Sue feels “a bit stronger, but it doesn’t last long.” She was diagnosed with UTI and is on medication. Thank you for continuing to pray for Sue.

Lois Reid

July 22, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Memorial service arrangements for Lois Reid will be Friday, July 26, at Heath Funeral Chapel, 328 S. Ingraham Ave., Lakeland. Visitation will be at 10:00 a.m. and the service at 11:00 a.m.

Joyce Donley

July 22, 2024

Praise Report
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Joyce had her tooth extracted and it was infected. She will be on antibiotics for a few days. She also had a biopsy of a spot on her tongue and will return to the doctor in two weeks for follow-up and biopsy results. Thank you for your prayers!

Glenda Johnston

July 21, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Glenda is asking for continued prayer for the healing of her wrist and for her hip which apparently was injured when she fell and is now starting to give her trouble.

Larry Hitt

July 21, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Lois requests prayer for Larry. He is now running a fever and they are awaiting a call from his pulmonologist. Thank you for praying.

Marlene Smith

July 21, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Fred Smith was sick and now he is feeling better. However, Marlene said she caught what he had and is very sick to her stomach. She would appreciate our prayers.


July 21, 2024

Praise Report
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Marilyn Koblentz's daughter, Kathy, has been bedridden for almost two months with a torn muscle in the hip area. Marilyn reported today that Kathy is doing much better. We are so thankful for this praise report! Marilyn would appreciate our continued prayers.

Tonnes Salmelid

July 21, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Addie requests prayer for Tonnes and said, "He's feeling weak and tired." He was unable to be in church this morning. Please pray for him.

Darrell Dumm

July 21, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Darrell is having problems with pain and weakness in his back and legs and he falls frequently. He is scheduled to start physical therapy and to see a doctor for a pain injection in August. Please pray for Darrell.

Barbara Boven

July 20, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Barbara was a faithful "winter friend" of RFC. She graduated to Heaven Friday (July 19). Please remember her family in prayer.

Wayne Alford

July 19, 2024

Praise Report
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Wayne had his open-heart surgery today and Larry Entrekin reported that Wayne's surgery is "complete and successful. Praise the Lord!!!" Thanks to all of you for your prayers!

Harry and Ann Card

July 15, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Harry and Ann are doing well in physical therapy in their respective rehab facilities. Please pray for wisdom as decisions are made concerning their discharge plans when they leave the rehab facilities.

Myfanwy Saunders

July 14, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Marilyn Koblentz gives us this update on her friend, Myfanwy, who has been so ill with cancer and chemotherapy treatments: "Myfanwy is in the hospital. Her kidneys were not functioning properly so she was admitted. It’s a very tough time for her." Please continue to pray.

Connie Martin

July 14, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Connie regularly attends RFC. She has been admitted to Lakeland Regional Hospital. Please remember her in prayer.

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