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Fellowship Groups

Fellowship groups are opportunities to share, study, and pray with others in homes and around our community. Meetings are scheduled throughout the week and are open to anyone who would like to join.

Men's Study & Breakfast Group

WHEN: Tuesdays | 8am | Weekly
WHERE: Fred's Market Restaurant
CONTACT: Darrel Gash

All men are invited to breakfast at Fred’s Market Restaurant as we engage in a wonderful time of study and prayer. Book and study materials provided!

Online Prayer Meetings

WHEN: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM & Fridays at Noon
WHERE: Online (Click to Join)

Pastor Jon Betz leads this powerful time of prayer where anyone, anywhere can connect together.

The RFC Singers Choir

WORSHIP: Sundays at 10:00am
PRACTICE: Wednesdays at 6:30pm
WHERE: RFC Sanctuary
CONTACT: Darrel Gash

Our choir-led worship is a wonderful ministry that we enjoy every single Sunday! If you love to sing and would like to be involved in the RFC Singers choir, we'd love to hear from you! Contact Darrel Gash, Worship Director, to learn more.

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Ladies Ministries

The next event has not yet been scheduled.

Mens Ministries

Men's Fellowship & Breakfast

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

9:00 am

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Prayer & Praise Wall

One of the greatest ways we can connect with each other is by bearing each other's burdens and praising God for His faithfulness! We invite you to share your requests and praises as you lift others up in prayer and thanksgiving.

Karen Bystrom

July 24, 2024

Praise Report
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Karen continues to improve since her recent fall when she broke one rib and suffered three compression fractures of her spine. She is able to walk more and with less pain. We are thankful for this good news. Thanks for your continued prayers.

Michael Tamargo

July 24, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Update on Michael: He has been admitted to Lakeland Regional. They are looking for possible heart blockage. He is low in potassium and magnesium. Please continue to pray.

Sally Dumm

July 24, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Sally has been admitted to Lakeland Regional with a blood clot in her leg and other medical issues. She will be undergoing several tests and would appreciate our prayers.

Patty Smith

July 24, 2024

Prayer Request
Submitted by:
Carol Wilson

Patty is a friend of Pastor Terry and Danielle Wilcox. Pastor Terry would like prayer for her because she is meeting with a surgeon to deal with breast cancer.

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